

High Frequency Words for NZ Colour Wheel levels
I have some children this year who would benefit from learning sight words at various levels. I have searched for the definitive NZ list for our early colour wheel books, there are many and all are different. Not very conclusive. So... I have combined them and consequently, some words are in more than one list. Never mind I thought, all that learning and repetition will make for amazing results. Click on the thumbnail to open the document in drive and you will be able to download.

Dolch Sight Word Lists
Here are the Dolch sight word cards with alien graphics requested by Shannon. 
Included are pre-primer, primer, grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3.


 Please link back to my blog if you add my work to your collections, blog or website - thank you.
Dolch List 3 Loopy
There is a lot of clip art in this file so it is quite large. Click on the image to open the download site.

Dolch List 2 Loopy
Here is a set of loopy cards (I have... You have...) for Dolch list 2.  Click on the thumbnail to open the download site.
Dolch List 1 Loopy
Here is a set of loopy cards (I have... You have...) for Dolch list 1.  I went a bit OTT on the clip art so there is a link to a plain version as well.  Click on the thumbnail to open the download site.
Dolch Lists
I use these lists in my classroom for word work within the Daily Five programme.  Daily Five is a great programme I use for independent literacy activities.
Basic Sight Words
This year I am working with a child who needs to develop a bank of sight words.  We play a game where the child collects the known words and I am left with the unknown.  I haven't won yet and the smiles this creates are a joy to see.  I wanted to make a new set of cards to use instead of the very plain ones I found from a few years ago.  Aliens or monsters are a favourite.  The words are ones we use on our assessment sheet but I'm sure are pretty standard world wide - please comment if you would like others and I'll happily make.  There are four sets of 30 cards in the first three and 24 in the fourth.  Click on the thumbnails to open the download page.
Easter Poem
I hope your children enjoy this poem.
Library Corner Display
This owl was created at 300dpi as a .png file and will size to A3.  I have used it on a Library Area display board.  Included are the owl alone and on the branch.  Please click on the images to open them in a new window where they can be enlarged and the black backgrounds will disappear.

The poem is from a Belair Publication I bought when I was first teaching (a long time ago!) called Handwork Galore compiled and illustrated by David E. Corney.  It was published in 1972 - but I wasn't teaching then!