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Tuesday 28 April 2015

Spring into Maths

I am working with a group of children on the 'Spring into Maths' programme, which is based on the work of Marilyn Holmes when she was a Numeracy Co-ordinator based in Dunedin. I needed some cards with 1-100 on them for the children to read and order - here they are.
Please link back to my blog if you add to your blog, website or web collection - thanks.
Click on the image or here for the download page.
Unfortunately I can't find a link to the original work but many schools mention them on their websites and could provide the programme itself.  

1 comment:

  1. I am IN LOVE!!! with all of the resources that you have up for grabs!! Thank you so much!! But can only seem to get one page of the penguins, from 1-12, and I really need them up to about 50 if possible? Thanks so much :)
